Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Winter Session Classes II

I'm trying to keep up with other posts that I've written here. I did in fact drop my winter session classes. There were a lot of tears involved because I am an emotionally volatile woman. Having a hearing impairment, and dealing with limitations can drain you emotionally. I hate having a hearing impairment. I'm sure many of us do. I seem to have a more difficult time with it when it makes me look bad, though. At least this is how I perceive the situation. I've stopped feeling sorry for myself and I'm considering transferring to a more Hearing impaired friendly scenario.
Rochester Institute offers on line courses. They also have a deaf campus for deaf and hard of hearing students. While I don't think that traveling that far would work, the online courses may be just what I need. I need to feel confident in my work, and get many more A's... Since my science class won't transfer credits because of the d, I'm OK with taking another online science course. maybe something environmental or sound centered. While I am considering RIT, I haven't committed to it yet. I have more thinking to do, and advice from people I trust to go over and review.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Sorry it didn't work out. I can only imagine your fustration. I am sure whatever you choose, it will all come together. I find online school easier, just for the matter of the kids alone.
