Sunday, December 7, 2008

HLAA Information

Information about everything hearing.
At the Westchester, HLAA meeting yesterday we discussed the importance of communication. Being that I was born hearing, and now hang in the balance of hearing and deaf worlds, I can truly understand the importance of communication.
Not just speaking either.
Body language, facial movement, articulation and enunciation. Lets not forget EYE contact. Some people say that I have a very intense eye contact. Well - I've learned to focus on the eye and read the lips peripherally. How? I don't know, It just sort of happened. Just like the fact that I can dilate my eyes on command. Really.

When I was working on the set of "The Interpreter" I was told that Mr. Penn did not like my watching him. Got it. It wasn't meant to disturb anyone but that I was actually trying to learn technique. Each person gets into character in different ways. I simply thought I might learn something.
I learned people dont like it when your too intense..
....only respect here Mr. Penn.
Anyhow, keep this in mind. the next time your talking to someone, look at them directly. It's a sign of respect.

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