Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rethinking dog training.

For one thing, over the last week or so, I've met some great new friends. Friends that shared their canine companions with me! This week I've met some fantastic kids that with the help of their canine buddies, are much happier! If you recall, I was thinking about training Katie to do some canine "hearing" things for me, and dismissed the thought. Well, after meeting these adorable pups (and their respective owners) I'm rethinking about it.
Even if I can just take Katie everywhere with me, that would be awesome!

I was given a pamphlet from one of these owners, and want to share this information with you! If you were thinking of getting a pooch, and have a hearing impairment or ANY other disability, it would be worth your while to check them out.

Canine Companions for Independence.
  • Service Dogs assist adults with physical disabilities by performing daily tasks.
  • Hearing Dogs alert the deaf and hard of hearing to important sounds.
  • Facility Dogs work with a professional in a visitation, education, or health care setting.
  • Skilled Companions enhance Independence for children and adults with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities.


This is a non profit organization! If you can donate, please do!

There are so many needy kids out there that would love to have a companion by their side!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bedtime Reader

O.K. So not a good book to be reading at bedtime. I fell asleep before the "introduction".
Next up "Cochlear Implants" by Susan B Waltzman and J. Thomas Roland Jr.
Already scanning through it - looks like Doctor speak to me.

But, it looks like I'm closer to bionics than I previously thought. Part of the evaluation process is to test recognition scores. Less than 30% in the best condition, is a qualification. My recent scores were Right ear 48% and left 32%. So, on the teetering precipice, I stand...Waiting.
I guess I should be glad that I don't qualify but, realistically, I want to hear again, desperately.
I remember Tori Amos' breathy voice in "china" hitting my ears, long hair flapping out the sun roof of C.J.'s Eagle Talon, with the sun shinning and my heart overjoyed. Back then my recognition scores were at around 85%. I could hear the high notes of "times".
At least I had them. Some folks have hearing impairments long before mine started rearing it's ugly head. Which leads me to think about a situation. I know many culturally deaf parents believe in keeping their children within the confines of the deaf community.
I don't know what I would do if my child were born deaf. I know that I love music, and that I would hope that my child could enjoy the same. Children can now be implanted at the age of 2. I think, some earlier. The Cochlear Implant companies want you to see the 5 year old playing the piano, with his implant on... But what about the one that the operation didn't work, and now there's no chance of re-implantation? Hard to think about but if they were my shoes, I think I would go for the implantation... Give my kid at least a chance of hearing the joy that I know............Music.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bad Days

We all have them, BAD days. Today is mine!
Some how every light turned red, every parking spot was taken, and I forgot to go to an appointment... Sorry Erica!

Would somebody Please tell me that Obama did not spend 71K on carpet.....?
Shit. I can think of some really poor folk that could use that money! Hell, that would educate at least two students in a community college, Feed plenty of homeless, even kick start a failing economy... Hmmmmm.? Hearing aids for someone in need, even a Cochlear Implant could be accomplished with 71k. I will stop now.
I read a book last night on "The effects of Genetic Hearing Impairment in the Family" By Dafydd Stephens and Leslie Jones. This was a compilation of studies done on different hearing losses. Most interesting is the level of annoyance of tinnitus. This is a big problem for many hearing impaired people!
For about a month or so now I've had an louder than normal, ringing in my left ear. My friend suggested I look to the League for the Hard of Hearing. I did! They have a program where you basically desensitize your ears to the ringing. Kind of like reprogramming your ears what to listen to. The program can take a while... It can help you in 6 months, or up to 2 years. It depends on the individuals needs. I'm considering contacting them about this because my ear is bugging me big time.
I start a new book tonight, "Cochlear Implants - Objective Measures" ........wish me luck.
P.S. the dog is doing fine. the kids are pains in the butts. It was "first snow" today. just a sprinkling but I'm thinking about my rusty old snowboard... (I bought one a few years ago to use on the 10 foot slope in my back yard) gotta start somewhere.. pathetic. LOL!
Maybe I'll just let the kids use it as a sled again....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Insurance Coverage

I was wrong! This is one of the few times, I like being wrong too!
Some insurance carriers recently added hearing aids to thier covered allowances. You will still have to check with your provider to see how much coverage is allowed. Some insurance carriers cover up to $1,000.- per year. Others, not so much. The better the plan, the better the coverage.
For individuals who cannot afford hearing aids, there are numerous routes you can go. The Starkey Corporation has a foundation that provides free/ low cost hearing aids for those who qualify. You have to meet income (or lack of) requirements.
There is also in New York State: Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities(V.E.S.I.D). Again, you have to meet financial requirements.
If you do a general search for "hearing aid assistance" there is a plethora of information available.
Keep in mind that you have to ask questions about everything.
  • If you can't help me, do you know of another source that can assist me with the financial obligation of hearing aids?
  • Are there local programs that can assist me?
  • Is there any more information that you can offer me regarding my situation?

There's no shame in asking for help. We've all been there at one point or another in our lives. Also, try not to feel guilty taking the assistance, that's what our good tax dollars are for!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I told you so.

The Hearing Loss Magazine for November/December, has an article on hearing aids and Blue tooth capabilities. They include in the article my hearing aids. I am delighted to tell you that there's a lot more than just these products out there! Many hearing aid company's see the need for blue tooth capability in hearing aids, and one person even suggests that they incorporate the blue tooth directly in the hearing aids. I plan on checking into this further. There are some great products out there!
Of course none of these great products are covered in your health insurance plan. The only thing that is covered is Cochlear Implants. For the Cochlear Implants, you have to qualify. Exactly what goes into the qualification process I cannot tell you at this point. I simply haven't gotten there yet. I do know that weighing in all the pro's and con's are vital to your decision.

All the negative factors that play into your decision making like permanent and complete loss of residual hearing, rejection, damaging the implant, etc... Can be countered by the positive impact It could have. I have heard great things about Cochlear Implants from friends who use them. I'm writing a paper on them now so, you can expect to hear a lot more about them in the coming weeks.

On another note: I got a "95" on my "Pulitzer" paper and have decided not to publish it here in my blog. Should you be interested, leave a note and I will reconsider.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I love Technology!

I love sharing information on technology that might assist other people!
I am loving the fm system I have by Phonak. (Zoom Link) (Icom). Not only can I actually hear my professors at school, I've used it in other situations like a nieces birthday party. There were so many kids running around that day! I found that even with my hearing aids I couldn't really understand the kids with all the background noises so I figured I would give the FM system a try. Lo and Behold, clarity!
The fm system takes the sound in it's entirety and pipes it right into my head. My hearing aids just amplify the high end that's missing. There is such a difference in sound that during my usual appointment with the hearing clinic to rehab my ears, we noticed an immediate recognition difference for the better! My scores were improved dramatically!
Should I ? Could I? Would I? Wear the fm system all the time? Nah, there are times when quiet in a house filled with little boys usually whining or screeching can be golden.
This particular system with boot integration has blue tooth capabilities. Yeah, I can talk on the phone. But, only my cellular so far. The amount of noise in the background can make the conversation difficult. I just have to make sure that if I'm going to be on the phone for a while, that I'm in a pretty quiet space and that the phone call isn't going from cel to cel. Some cellular microphones have a short span of time for the mic before it cuts off the persons word/sentence. I found this to be true with a recent conversation where I was constantly requesting the person repeat them self.
I could get an adapter for my house phone in the future, if the need arises. Right now, I'm just getting used to all the new sounds, and using speakerphone at home. So, watch your language if you call me at home, the kids might hear and Joey's already got a foul tongue!
