Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bad Days

We all have them, BAD days. Today is mine!
Some how every light turned red, every parking spot was taken, and I forgot to go to an appointment... Sorry Erica!

Would somebody Please tell me that Obama did not spend 71K on carpet.....?
Shit. I can think of some really poor folk that could use that money! Hell, that would educate at least two students in a community college, Feed plenty of homeless, even kick start a failing economy... Hmmmmm.? Hearing aids for someone in need, even a Cochlear Implant could be accomplished with 71k. I will stop now.
I read a book last night on "The effects of Genetic Hearing Impairment in the Family" By Dafydd Stephens and Leslie Jones. This was a compilation of studies done on different hearing losses. Most interesting is the level of annoyance of tinnitus. This is a big problem for many hearing impaired people!
For about a month or so now I've had an louder than normal, ringing in my left ear. My friend suggested I look to the League for the Hard of Hearing. I did! They have a program where you basically desensitize your ears to the ringing. Kind of like reprogramming your ears what to listen to. The program can take a while... It can help you in 6 months, or up to 2 years. It depends on the individuals needs. I'm considering contacting them about this because my ear is bugging me big time.
I start a new book tonight, "Cochlear Implants - Objective Measures" ........wish me luck.
P.S. the dog is doing fine. the kids are pains in the butts. It was "first snow" today. just a sprinkling but I'm thinking about my rusty old snowboard... (I bought one a few years ago to use on the 10 foot slope in my back yard) gotta start somewhere.. pathetic. LOL!
Maybe I'll just let the kids use it as a sled again....

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